This essay demonstrates an approach to queer musicology that decenters white gay men and prioritizes the sonic and spatial experiences of lesbians, who I [loosely/cautiously/adv.] define as non-men who are exclusively attracted to non-men. I begin by dissecting the meaning of the word “lesbian” and contextualizing it within space and time, so that it can be useful for the following discussion of “lesbian sound” as a product of “lesbian geography.” I draw from the work of Kath Browne and Dr. Eduarda Ferreira in theorizing lesbian experience through space, both real and imagined, to analyze some of my own experiences as a young person on the internet forming my queer identity through music.
“Creating Space for Lesbian Sound”
Korina Moriarty

“Creating Space for Lesbian Sound”
"Creating Space for Lesbian Sound"
“Girls” – Beatrice Eli
“Only A Girl” – Gia Woods