Apr 29 2020

Musicking, Policies, and Activism: Notes on Carimbó, Brazil

lectures-symposia, world-music

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Lecture via Zoom by Lorena Avellar de Muniagurria, Ph.D.
Post-doc researcher at UNICAMP, fellow at the FAPESP Thematic Project Local Musicking: New Paths for Ethnomusicology, and visiting researcher at the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies/UIUC

Musicking, Policies, and Activism: Notes on Carimbó, Brazil

Based on a multi-sited ethnography that follows a network of carimbó makers, anthropologist Lorena Muniagurria discusses changes in the cultura popular brasileira field. An integrated form of song, music, dance, and socialization typical of the state of Pará, Northern Brazil, carimbó was recognized as a Brazilian intangible heritage in 2014 during the Labor Party/PT governments (2003-2016). Back then, a national cultural policy with strong participatory features, as well as a novel discursive repertoire for cultura popular, were being developed. By taking part in these processes, carimbó musicking came to be constituted by cultural activism, creating new ways of doing both music and politics. Nowadays, as the far-right rises in Brazilian political life, intolerance toward diversities and authoritarian nationalist discourses are growing. Shaped in relation to the policies being dismantled, carimbó musicking is changing again. Considering that “ways of doing” have particular agencies and are intrinsically related to ways of being, Muniagurria addresses both political moments, discussing the relations between carimbó musicking, cultural policies, and activism.

Lorena Avellar de Muniagurria is an anthropologist specializing in cultural policies and cultural activism. She is a post-doc researcher at UNICAMP, a fellow at the FAPESP Thematic Project Local Musicking: New Paths for Ethnomusicology, and is currently a visiting researcher at the Lemann Center for Brazilian Studies/UIUC. Her post-doctoral investigation focuses on the carimbó musicking and its relations with the universe of public policies, particularly for cultural heritage. Her research interests also include cultural diversity, citizenship, participatory spaces, and participatory democracy.

Part of the Nazir Ali Jairazbhoy Colloquium Series, sponsored by The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music Department of Ethnomusicology


Topic: Dr. Lorena Avellar: Musicking, Policies, and Activism: Notes on Carimbó, Brazil
Time: Apr 29, 2020; 01:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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