The MA/PhD in Ethnomusicology investigates music in cultural and social contexts. In preparing students for careers in studying global music communities, our program assists students in understanding music as social practice from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Students are introduced to the intellectual history of the field and its paradigmatic shifts, and research methodology in preparation for ethnographic fieldwork. Our ethnomusicology program seeks to prepare students for careers in the academy, public sector, the music industry, and/or cultural heritage policy-making. We also offer seminars in select global music cultures as well as topics, which examine music as related to gender, politics, religion, economics, philosophy, aesthetics, and musical practice.

Graduate Guidebook

As you progress through your programs, pause to explore the resources we’ve gathered to assist you in navigating your studies. This page contains program checklists, petitions and forms, exam details, enrollment requests, and recital information for all our graduate students in The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music.

We aim to support you in achieving your academic aspirations and succeeding in your educational journey. Should you have any questions regarding enrollment or planning that cannot be answered on this page, please contact

Office of Student Affairs
1642 Schoenberg Music Building
UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music
445 Charles E Young Drive E
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1616
Phone: 310-206-5802

Ethnomusicology Graduate Guidebook
Ethnomusicology Graduate Guidebook
Ethnomusicology Graduate Guidebook