Review: UCLA Philharmonia Shines at Mahlerthon
From the LA Times: “Neal Stulberg led an intense, brilliant, riveting performance of Mahler’s most agitated symphony, the 80-minute Sixth (known as the “Tragic”).”
19th Annual All-Star Concert Promises Many Musical Firsts for Performers
The 19th Annual All-Star Concert, held by the School of Music, provides students in the department the chance to perform as soloists with the UCLA Philharmonia, the university’s flagship orchestra.
Nine Winners of the 2018-2019 All-Star Competition will Perform as Soloists in Royce Hall
Conductor and bassoonist Anthony Parnther and New Yorker music critic Alex Ross selected nine outstanding students to perform as soloists with the UCLA Philharmonia at the 15th Annual All-Star Concert in Royce Hall, Sat., Jan. 26, 2019.