

UCLA Ethnomusicology Publications

Director: Currently searching for a new director after the retirement of the venerable Kathleen Hood in 2024.

1555 Schoenberg Music Building

Hours of operation:
Vary per quarter

The UCLA Ethnomusicology Publications Program was established in 1960. Over the years, Ethnomusicology Publications has published, sold, and distributed journals, monographs, and audio-visual materials. Today, Ethnomusicology Publications has a catalogue with over 40 items, including the respected occasional journal Selected Reports in Ethnomusicology.

The history of the field of ethnomusicology at UCLA is inseparably tied to its Ethnomusicology Publications Program, one of the first in the United States. In 1960, Mantle Hood founded the Institute of Ethnomusicology at UCLA as a concrete embodiment of his philosophies about the field of ethnomusicology. Not long after, the Institute’s Publications Program began, as an outlet for the faculty’s research. From this time forth, the Publications Program was a steady source of documentation, not just of world music genres and performers, but also one of the field of ethnomusicology itself.

Ethnomusicology Department Hosts 66th Annual Meeting of Society for Ethnomusicology Southern California and Hawai'i Chapter
This year’s meeting marked the 70th anniversary of Mantle Hood’s arrival at UCLA. Hood’s visionary establishment of an institute of ethnomusicology (later to become the ethnomusicology department) made UCLA a
Ethnomusicology Archive Adds African American History Photographs to Online Collection
The Ethnomusicology Archive holds the Bette Cox collection and is thrilled to announce that the still images relating to African American music and culture in Los Angeles are now available online on the Ethnomusicology Archive channel on California Revealed.
Music Alive in the Archive: An Exploration of Kulintang Music in the Danongan Kalanduyan
The Ethnomusicology Archive holds one of the world’s great collections of audio and video recordings documenting kulintang gong music and dance around the world. They are now freely accessible to

Ordering Information

All items are available through our online shopping cart, where you can pay with a credit card or by ACH payment. You may also send or call in your order via one of the following:
Telephone:(310) 825-5947
Fax:(310) 206-4738
Mail:Ethnomusicology Publications
UCLA Department of Ethnomusicology
Box 951657
Los Angeles, CA 90095-1657


All domestic orders are shipped by Priority Mail; International orders are shipped by First-Class Mail. Shipping charge is flat rate—USA: $7.00 for first item, $2.00 for each additional item; International: $10.00 for first item, $3.00 for each additional item.

For orders being shipped to a California address, 9.5% sales tax will be added.

After receiving your order, we will add the appropriate shipping and handling costs (and if necessary, sales tax) and send you a confirmation of the total. When you receive your confirmation, please submit payment. Your order will be shipped to you upon receipt of payment. Please make checks payable to “UC REGENTS.” All orders must be pre-paid or ordered online.

Purchases can also be made in person at the UCLA Ethnomusicology Publications office during the posted office hours (please call or email us for current hours).

Ethnomusicology Publications accepts payment in US Dollars in the form of checks and money orders only. International orders must be paid for with a check drawn from a US bank or an international money order. International credit cards are accepted through our online store.