Music Crossing Boundaries

UCLA American Jewish Music Festival

UCLA American Jewish Music Festival

Sunday, March 1

UCLA’s Schoenberg Music Building

Performances: 11am – 8:00pm


Music Crossing Boundaries

The UCLA American Jewish Music Festival showcases a fascinating exploration of diverse musical styles of the American Jewish experience.  From classical to klezmer, tango to Middle Eastern, bluegrass to Broadway – hear how Jewish music and culture have interacted with and been influenced by other cultures and music. Featuring artists from LA and beyond, this day offers concerts, workshops and more, including ‘JAM (Jewish American Music) Talks’, where artists share about their musical influences and explore if and how their music reflects their Jewish identity.

PLEASE NOTE: Seating to all events will be on a first-come first-served basis. Food will be available for purchase; $15 when purchased in advance, $20 day of event. Kosher options will be available from Ta-eem Grill. Additionally, four different kinds of boxed lunches will be available, including chicken, tuna and vegetarian. The Music Cafe in the Schoenberg Music Building will be open from noon-6pm, offering a range of more affordable foods.

This event is made possible by the Lowell Milken Fund for American Jewish Music at The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music, with additional support from Marilyn Ziering, Elaine and David Gill and the Mickey Katz Endowed Chair in Jewish Music. It is co-sponsored by the UCLA Alan D. Leve Center for Jewish Studies.

How to Find the Festival
How to Find the Festival