Applicants can view updated application requirements online here. Keep in mind that these may change on an annual basis.

Music Industry Major
No, change of major applicants do not need to complete the UC application. Change of major applicants need only complete the supplemental application. Applicants can find details on the supplemental application here.
Applicants are usually notified in March regarding their application decision.
Freshman applicants should reference their requirements online here.
Transfer applicants should reference their requirements online here.
Students should work with the Music Industry Undergraduate Academic Advisor to plan their coursework. The Academic Advisor can also provide a sample planner that students can use to plan their schedule each year.
Music Industry Minor
Applications are open in Fall and Spring quarters. Applications open in Week 1 and close on Friday of Week 4.
Interested applicants should attend information sessions when they are available, and subscribe to the interested applicants listserv HERE
All requirements for the minor are listed online here.
Interested applicants with questions could contact
Many courses in the School of Music, especially courses in Musicology and Ethnomusicology, can be counted toward the Music Industry Minor.
Required Courses (28 units): Music Industry 101, 195 (8 units), and five additional courses (20 units) selected from Ethnomusicology M12B, M25, 30, M35, C100, 105, 117, C155, C184, Music C176, Musicology 128, M137, 140, 164, 165, 177, 185, Music Industry 29, 55, 95, 102 through M181, M182, 188, 195, 197. A maximum of two lower-division courses may be counted toward the minor. Other UCLA upper-division courses may be applied to the minor by petition. To do this, complete an Academic Petition and send it to for review.
We recommend writing the instructor of the course you are interested in taking to request a PTE number (permission to enroll number). Instructors can issue PTEs to students given permission to enroll in the course.
We recommend that students complete a few courses (at least three) prior to applying to the minor. Given the high interest in the program, the minor is limited each quarter in how many students may be accepted. In addition, students may choose to enroll in the Summer Fast Pass courses (Music Industry 101 and Music Industry 195CE), which guarantees review and approval to the minor in the next quarter in which applications are accepted.
Course descriptions for all UCLA courses can be found on the Course Descriptions page of the Registrar Website: in the department you want to view courses for and the courses will be separated by Lower Division and Upper Division. Please note that not all courses listed may be offered or the description may have changed, and newly added courses may not be viewable yet.
Please refer to the School of Music website’s faculty directory for information and contact information for School of Music instructors: . Some faculty members may not be listed, so please reach out to the department if you need further assistance
If a course is restricted to a major, minor, prerequisite, or year (e.g. first years or seniors), you will need to request a PTE from the instructor in order to enroll. Enrollment is not guaranteed.
Instructor consent usually means there are extra steps you must take in order to enroll, such as an application or specific forms and approval you must obtain. The department will usually send out information about supplemental materials before a class that requires them is offered, so please reach out to (music industry email) if you have additional questions.
Why are you not able to enroll?
- The class has a restriction: refer to the question above
- The class is full: reach out to the instructor to request a PTE, but enrollment is not guaranteed.
- I have the prerequisites and meet the course requirements, but I’m still unable to enroll on MyUCLA: reach out to the department SAO for assistance.
Students can only enroll in Music Industry 70 if a Faculty or Staff Member at UCLA has agreed to supervise them as an apprentice during a regular academic quarter. Students who are ready to enroll should reach out to the Music Industry department to request a PTE in order to enroll. Please do not reach out to the instructor of record until you have secured an apprenticeship.
Internships: Music Industry 195CE, 195 and 95
Third and Fourth year Music Industry majors, Minors, prospective Music Industry minors, and Music History and Industry majors, please refer to the MSC IND 195CE enrollment instructions. First and second year Music Industry majors and Music History and Industry majors, please refer to the MSC IND 95 enrollment instructions. All other students, please reach out to the Music Industry department to determine if you are eligible to enroll in a Music Industry internship course.
Music Industry 195CE is run by the Center for Community Engagement. Students in the Music Industry B.A. and Music Industry Minor must enroll in Music Industry 195CE in order to complete the internship requirement. Music Industry 195 will not satisfy the internship requirement. If students want to receive UCLA credit for a second internship after satisfying the internship requirement, they will enroll in 195. Both courses are restricted to Third and Fourth year students.
Third and Fourth year students in the Music Industry B.A. and Music Industry Minor have priority enrollment in 195CE. Prospective Music Industry minors who have an internship may also be allowed to enroll, space permitting. First and Second year students will only be considered if they are in the last quarter or the summer after their second year.
Students must have an internship already secured for the quarter in which they want to enroll in Music Industry 195CE. Music Industry 195CE does not enroll during the normal enrollment period. Please refer to the Center for Community Engagement Website for enrollment and eligibility information:
If you already have an internship secured for the quarter you want to enroll, please email the Music Industry SAO with the following information:
- Your year and major, or minor if applicable.
- Brief description of your internship and your duties.
- The start and end date for the internship.
- How many hours per week you are participating in the internship.
If you are found eligible to enroll, you will be sent instructions on how to enroll.
UCLA does not place students in internships. Many students find internships on popular job search websites, such as LinkedIn, Indeed, Glassdoor, etc. Internships are also advertised by instructors through the Music Industry department Listserv. If you are interested in interning in a specific field, we recommend you speak with a UCLA instructor in a related field.
The majority of Music Industry related internships are eligible for Music Industry 195CE/195/95, as long as they meet the hour/time requirements for the course. Please reach out to the Music Industry SAO if you are unsure if your internship is eligible.
Examples of ineligible internships:
- Participation in a club or student organization within UCLA cannot be used for internship credit.
- Internships must be held in a place of work or be remote. They cannot be held in someone’s home or home studio.
- Part-time jobs cannot be used for internship credit.
No, prospective Music Industry minor students can enroll in 195CE and 195, space permitting. Priority enrollment will be given to students already in the program.
Yes, Music Industry 195CE is offered every quarter during the academic year (Fall, Winter, Spring) and during summer sessions. It is usually offered during Summer Session A10 which is 10 weeks. Please refer to the UCLA Summer Sessions website for information about course cost:
Music Industry 95 is meant for First and Second year students hoping to receive internship credit. It does not satisfy any major requirements and cannot be taken more than twice. Enrollment instructions are the same as Music Industry 195.
Current Students
PTEs are an abbreviation for Permission to Enroll. PTEs are codes that allow students to enroll in a course with restrictions such as instructor consent. PTEs are given out by instructors so please contact them to receive one.
Once you have decided that you would like to add a double major, please schedule an appointment with your advisor to discuss whether it is possible considering your existing degree requirements. To formally request to add a double major, School of Music students should submit a Progress Petition. This petition must be signed by the advisor for your intended double major.
School of Music petitions can be located here:
The Student Affairs office holds weekly scheduled appointments and first come first served drop in hours. In general, you can request a meeting by emailing your advisor.
UCLA students can study abroad with UCEAP and UCLA Travel Study. Please refer to this website for more information: . Music Industry does not have a dedicated UCEAP program at this time.
- Demand for MI courses usually exceeds supply. Enrollment in required and very popular MI courses is deliberately controlled, with MI majors, minors, and students in the Alpert School of Music given preference. In general, faculty are discouraged from using PTEs to bypass our enrollment restrictions.
- If you cannot find contact information for one of our part-time lecturers, contact the Chair’s Assistant for Music Industry, who can either give you a contact or pass on a message.
- It is always possible to show up at the first class meeting for an MI course you want to add and make your case to the instructor. Often students’ plans change, and a spot may have opened up. Go for it!
Not all Music Industry faculty are eligible to take on independent studies (MI 197);
Check with your advisor or the program chair to see if the person you want to work with can supervise one. MI 197 is a “contract” course, and cannot be added to your schedule without prior paperwork, including a form filled out by you and signed by your prospective supervisor. Here is the workflow:
- Make sure your prospective supervisor is eligible
- Discuss the possible 197 with the professor and get their consent
- Work with the MI advisor to generate a contract and get it signed
- Enroll in MI 197
Any School of Music department ensemble can be used to satisfy the 4 Units of Performance Organization requirement for the Music Industry BA.
Most professors prefer to be contacted over email. Please refer to the School of Music website Faculty directory: .
Parents & Prospective Students
UCLA’s Music Industry programs are unique in that they integrate the intellectually challenging curriculum of a top research university with direct access to the music industry and its workings. The program emphasizes critical thinking, social justice, and innovation. It also provides a wide range of experiential learning opportunities, from internships and mentorships in the industry (MI 95, 195, 195CE, 196) and apprenticeships on campus (MI 70) to a self-designed Capstone project in the senior year.
UCLA does not offer a conservatory-style program in popular music performance or composition. We do have courses in songwriting and production, but the requirements for the degree emphasize management and business skills, cultural literacy, and conceptual thinking about music and culture.
UCLA’s Music Industry program, while top-rated, is relatively new. Much of our curriculum is also new, and oriented toward tomorrow’s music industry.
- The Music Industry BA is designed for professionally oriented students with a strong interest in the business side of music, seeking a managerial or entrepreneurial career in the music industry. It provides a custom-designed liberal arts curriculum with limited, non-traditional training in musicianship and music theory, music history of popular music. Strong focus on business skills, experiential learning, creativity, social justice issues, and career building.
- The Music History and Industry BA is a hybrid degree, combining aspects of the Music Industry curriculum with Musicology. It is designed for students seeking a balance of professional and liberal arts training in music, especially those interested primarily in creative and critical perspectives on popular music. Requires traditional training in musicianship, music theory, and music history. Graduates may go on to creative careers, further graduate study, or the business side of music. Some experiential learning.
No college degree program can guarantee a job after graduation, but the UCLA Music Industry program is much more focused on career success than the average music degree. Students work directly with industry professionals, and our internships and capstone project allow our majors to make connections that often lead directly to employment.
Perhaps not. The Music Industry BA is not a performance-focused degree, and most of the coursework deals with business, technology, cultural studies, and professional skills. We do have courses in songwriting and production, but do not provide individual instruction in these subjects. Students may have an interest in artistic creation, but must be willing to prioritize academic success and be interested in a wide range of possible outcomes in the music industry.
Most successful music industry executives do not have a degree in music industry studies, because most universities do not offer such a degree, and those that do tend to produce audio technicians and recording engineers, not professional leaders.
The typical path into the music industry has always been an informal apprenticeship: with or without a college degree, you must hit the pavement to land an entry-level job, and then work your way up by demonstrating your ability to get things done. This is still true – so why get a music industry degree?
One reason is to have a set of general skills (liberal arts training) that will help you succeed in any profession: organization, analytical ability, written and oral communication, cultural literacy, etc. The other is to shorten the apprenticeship path. Our sourcework helps you learn how to be productive in many of the basic functions of the music industry – finance/accounting, marketing, communications, data analysis, artist management, events planning – so that you can hit the ground running once you find that entry into the industry.
Course descriptions for all UCLA courses can be found on the Course Descriptions page of the Registrar Website: in the department you want to view courses for and the courses will be separated by Lower Division and Upper Division. Please note that not all courses listed may be offered or the description may have changed, and newly added courses may not be viewable yet.
Prospective students who are visiting the UCLA campus can contact Admissions to arrange a tour of the Schoenberg Music Building and a meeting with a student affairs representative. It is unlikely that an in-person meeting with the Chair will be feasible, but we encourage prospective students to contact the Music Industry program to arrange a virtual interview.
We are looking for academically gifted students with a realistic understanding of what our program offers. We are interested in musical talent, but only as part of a well-rounded application that also shows interest in and aptitude for managerial or professional achievement in the industry. We will be particularly interested in students who demonstrate a commitment to transformational change and social activism in the music industry, and demonstrate originality and creativity of thought.
Since it is not a conservatory-style degree, the Music Industry BA does not offer access to private lessons in performance or composition through the School of Music. Students who play or sing at a pre-professional level may audition for School of Music performance ensembles and, if selected, enroll in them for credit.
Events and Space
Here is the recording studio information page.
Here is music technology support page.
Practice room reservations are only available to School of Music majors and minors. Please review this page for more information on School of Music Practice Rooms reservations and fees page.