Ethnomusicology Plus a
Concentration in Iranian Music

Current UCLA Student interested in the Iranian Music Minor?

The Iranian Music minor is designed for students who wish to augment their major program with a group of related courses that provide a systematic introduction to the study of Iranian music, performance, and culture. The minor has both academic and performance classes. It is a sequence of three lower-division courses (11 units): ETHNMUS 5 or M25, 8, and 91L; and six upper-division courses (20 units): ETHNMUS 101, 144, 145 or 163, and 161L ( ETHNMUS 144 and 161L must each be taken twice).

Celebrating the Partnership Between Farhang Foundation and The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music

<h4>Celebrating the Partnership Between Farhang Foundation and The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music</h4>
Diār Caps a Week of Events about the Music of Iran
On Sunday, May 21, a capacity crowd at Schoenberg Hall heard Diār, a concert of Iranian music curated by new postdoctoral scholar Shahab Paranj. Diār featured traditional Persian music as
Shahab Paranj to Join School of Music as Post-Doctoral Scholar
This spring, composer and instrumentalist Shahab Paranj has joined The UCLA Herb Alpert School of Music as Postdoctoral Scholar of Iranian music.
Feb 19 Wed
An Ethnomusicologist among Diplomats
Liv Lande will talk about her work experience outside academia, where she combines her background in Ethnomusicology with in-depth expertise in Japanese language and culture.
Feb 26 Wed
classical, lectures-symposia, world-music
A Concert Dedicated to Grikor Mirzaian Suni
The UCLA Armenian Music Program presents a concert dedicated to the Armenian composer, Grikor Mirzaian Suni. Event program and details coming soon!
Lani Hall
Mar 1 Sat
lectures-symposia, world-music
Society for Ethnomusicology Southern California and Hawaiʻi Chapter’s 66th Annual Meeting
The UCLA Department of Ethnomusicology is thrilled to host the 66th Annual Meeting of the Society for Ethnomusicology Southern California and Hawai’i Chapter (SEMSCHC) on Saturday and Sunday, 1-2 March

Explore Other Degrees

Graduate study and training in choral, orchestral, or wind conducting
The study of global musical traditions through performance training, research, and field work
Global Jazz Studies
Jazz performance and musicianship courses are paired with African American Studies
Music Composition
Mentorship in the creation and realization of music for concerts, opera, and visual media
Music Education
Preparation for music educators leading to a BA and teaching credential in just four years
Music Industry
A leadership-focused professional degree which prepares students to transform the creative, entrepreneurial, and executive structures of the music industry
The scholarly study of the histories, cultures, and critical interpretations of music and music-making
Music Performance
Study and training towards professional performance careers in Western classical music