Monica is a versatile professional whose experience spans industry and academia as a client partnership strategist, musicologist, harpist, and educator. She is currently working in the immersive technology space with a focus on augmented reality for marketing and branding. Her research interests include music and visual culture, the sensory history of sound, music and disability, and digital consumption in the music industry.
A seasoned instructor, Monica held the position of Teaching Fellow in the Department of Musicology at UCLA where she designed and taught a wide range of course materials about music and society. She also served as a consulting musicologist on various projects, including for two award-naming committees for The Recording Academy. As a harpist, Monica regularly gigs in the Southern California area for special events, celebrity clients, and LA-based artists. She was recently featured as harpist on the multi-media work, Ladies’ Lair Lake, by Trulee Hall that premiered at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. Her harp playing also appears on the Grammy-nominated recording “Fourth Stream … La Banda,” composed by Bill Cunliffe.
Monica’s scholarly publications include a chapter in Experiencing Music and Visual Cultures published by Routledge Press (2021) and the Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies (2019).