In this installment of The David L. Abell Piano Masters Series, American pianist Rachel Naomi Kudo will perform Schumann's Carnaval Op.9., followed by a masterclass with UCLA student pianists.
About Rachel Naomi Kudo
Rachel Naomi Kudo is captivating audiences around the globe with her "heartfelt, courageous and perfect playing” (Lübecker Nachrichten) and as a “thrilling” artist with “the highest artistic claim who demonstrates a perfection of technique and precision down to the smallest motivic detail” (Die Rheinpfalz).
Kudo believes in sharing the transformative power of music with the widest possible audience to foster cultural engagement and human connection. As an educator, she is passionate about mentoring the next generation of young musicians and has taught master classes worldwide. She was recently engaged as a live stream host for the U.S. National Chopin and Cliburn Junior International Piano Competitions. In February 2021, in a Virtual Special Event for The Gilmore, Kudo will present the world premiere of Marc-André Hamelin’s Suite à l'ancienne, which she commissioned with her funding from the Gilmore International Keyboard Festival.
This event is made possible thanks to a gift from Barbara Abell who established The David L. Abell Piano Masters Series in honor of her late husband. Pianos were a passion for David, the owner of David L. Abell’s Fine Pianos in Los Angeles, which became a hot-spot for musical legends such as Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, Andre Previn, George Shearing, Bob Hope, Tony Bennett, and Benny Carter. We are proud to celebrate this program as part of the 2020-21 David L. Abell Piano Master Series.