Department of Ethnomusicology

John Lee
Manager, Ethnomusicology & Musicology Departments
Donna Armstrong
Assistant to the Chair - Ethnomusicology

Global Jazz Studies Program

John Lee
Manager, Ethnomusicology & Musicology Departments
Kat De Nicola
Assistant to the Chair - Department of Musicology and Global Jazz Studies Program

Music Industry Program

Dawnyelle Addison
Manager - Music Industry Program
Chyna Ellis
Assistant to the Chair - Music Industry Program

Department of Music (Performance, Education and Composition)

Lindsey Beardsley
Manager - Department of Music
Camilo Cedeno
Assistant to the Chair - Department of Music
Andrew Ordonez
Events Manager - Department of Music

Department of Musicology

John Lee
Manager, Ethnomusicology & Musicology Departments
Kat De Nicola
Assistant to the Chair - Department of Musicology and Global Jazz Studies Program

Centers, Music Programs, and Academic Support Staff

David Brown
Manager of the Lowell Milken Institute for Music of American Jewish Experience
Catherine Gregory
Lecturer - Music, Music Industry (Artistic Citizenship and Community Engagement), Director of the Gluck Fellowship Program
Holley Replogle-Wong
Lecturer in Musicology, Program Director of Center for Musical Humanities
Mary Sekayan
Coordinator of Armenian Music Program