In this installment of our David L. Abell Piano Masters Series, we are featuring an all-Chopin program with renowned guest pianist Ian Jones, deputy head of keyboard at the Royal College of Music, London. Jones will host a masterclass and mini-recital; this is a unique opportunity to explore the music of Chopin with a world acclaimed teacher and performer. Also featured on the program will be piano students from the Herb Albert School of Music – Bo Feng, Veola Sun, and Irina Bazik.
Jones is much sought-after as a teacher and his students have enjoyed international success. He is artistic director of the World Piano Teachers Association International Piano Competition and often serves on the juries of other international piano competitions. He frequently examines and adjudicates at leading conservatoires, including the Royal Academy of Music in London and regularly performs and conducts international masterclasses, most recently in China, the United States, Serbia, Japan, Ireland, Greece, Italy and Russia and at conservatoires such as Sweden’s Royal College of Music and many U.S. keyboard faculties.