A student may take 5 non-major units per quarter on a P/NP basis. Students in good standing who are enrolled in at least 12 units may take certain courses on a Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) basis. Students must achieve a “C” or better to warrant a Pass grade. Any grade earned that is less than a “C” will result in a Not Pass. Courses taken to satisfy a major requirement MUST be taken for a Letter Grade, unless a course is only offered on a Pass/No Pass basis.
Undergraduate Policies & Regulations

Undergraduate Grading Policies
UCLA students may repeat up to 16 units of GRADED coursework in which they receive a grade of C- or below. If you repeat a course that you took for a letter grade, you MUST choose the same grading option when you repeat it. The same is not true for Passed/Not Passed courses (see below). A course may be repeated only once. Although only the second grade earned (for better or worse) will be computed into your GPA, both grades will remain on your transcript.
After you have used the allowed 16 units of repeat credit, or if you do not have enough units left to repeat a course, you may still repeat a course in which you received a C- or below. However,both grades will be averaged into your cumulative GPA; the first grade will not be removed from the GPA. Once you are into grade averaging, all subsequent repeats will be grade averaged, even if you have not exhausted your full 16 units of repeat credit.
No form or petition is required to repeat a class, all you need to do is enroll through MyUCLA . The Registrar’s Office will automatically code the course as a repeat.
- You may repeat the same course only once.
- You may receive units for a repeated course only once.
- You will not receive credit for a course repeated after you have completed a more advanced course in a true sequence with a passing grade (i.e., Math, Chemistry, or foreign languages).
Repeating Passed/Not Passed Courses
If you first took a course Passed/Not Passed and did not pass, then you have the option of repeating the course for a letter grade or for Passed/Not Passed again. There is no limit to the number of Passed/Not Passed courses you may repeat for those courses in which you receive a grade of “Not Passed.”
Unauthorized Repeats
A notation of “Unauthorized Repeat” or “Illegal Repeat” will show on your transcript if:
- You received a C or better or a Passed the first time you took the course, OR
- You repeat the same class more than once, OR
- You go back and repeat a class in an earlier part of a sequence after successfully passing courses later in that same sequence (e.g., in Chemistry, Math or a foreign language).
No credit will be given for an unauthorized repeat!
Grades are accessed through MyUCLA. Grades are rarely revised, but incomplete grades may be completed.
All grades for a completed term are accessible through MyUCLA no later than two weeks after the last day of final examinations. If grades are not available, they have not been received from the instructor or are still being processed.
– If a grade is missing, contact the instructor or the department that offered the course. Do not contact the Registrar’s Office directly for grades.
– If a grade is different from what was expected, contact the course instructor for explanation.
All grades except DR, I, and IP are final when filed by the instructor in the end-of-term course report. Thereafter, a grade change may be made only in case of a clerical or procedural error or other unusual circumstances. For information about UCLA grade policies, see the Academic Policies section of the UCLA General Catalog.
Grade Revision
No grade may be revised by re-examination or, with the exception of the I and IP grades, by completing additional work. Students who are dissatisfied with a grade may request a review of their work with their instructor and an explanation of the grade assigned. All grade changes are recorded on the transcript. Academic revision forms are only available to faculty.
Incomplete (I) Grade Removal
Once an Incomplete (I) grade is assigned, it remains on the transcript along with the passing grade a student may later receive for the course. An instructor may assign the I grade when work is of passing quality but is incomplete for a good cause (such as illness or other serious problem).
If the work is not completed by the end of the next full term in residence, the I grade lapses to an F, NP, or U as appropriate, unless a request to extend the incomplete is granted.
If you have been doing work of passing quality, but are unable to complete a small portion of the course requirements (i.e. a lab assignment or term paper) because of an illness or other serious problem, then you have the option of requesting an “incomplete” in the course. While it is your responsibility to speak to the instructor in order to request an incomplete, it is entirely up to the instructor whether or not to grant your request.
Removing an Incomplete
If your professor agrees to give you an incomplete, you must finish the remaining coursework *1* during your next completed regular quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring).*2*
IMPORTANT: Do not re-enroll in the course in order to remove your incomplete!
Once you have finished the work required for the incomplete and submitted it to your professor, you’ve completed your part of the task. The professor will fill out a Report of Academic Revision and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.
If the work is not completed by the end of the next completed regular term, the “I” will lapse to an F, NP, or U as appropriate, unless a petition to extend the incomplete is granted.
Requesting an Extension for an Incomplete
If for some reason, you are not able to remove the incomplete within the next completed quarter, you should petition to extend the time for removing the incomplete. This request requires a Progress Petition and a note from the professor agreeing to the extension. You must specify the exact date by which the work will be completed, what work remains to be done, and why you were unable to complete the work within the allotted time frame. As with any petition, however, there is no guarantee of approval.
Effect on GPA
The “I” grade has no effect on the GPA of the term in which it was taken. A student receives units and grade points for the course after all the coursework has been completed. The actual grade appears on the transcript and DPR in the term in which the work was completed. At this time the grade points and units are averaged into the cumulative GPA (NOT the term GPA).
Both the Incomplete and the Final Grade are noted on the transcript.
*1* It is important that you and your instructor agree upon the work you must do in order to remove the incomplete.
*2* Some departments may require you to sign a contract with the professor.
Quarterly Registration, Non-Attendance, and Withdrawals
Students may declare nonattendance if they are not planning to attend UCLA for a term and have not paid registration fees for that term. Students can declare nonattendance through MyUCLA.
If you have already paid registration fees for an academic term and are not planning to attend, please refer to the instructions to request a withdrawal.
Students who complete a regular academic term (Fall, Winter, Spring) and do not register the following term, may return to UCLA the subsequent term as a continuing student without submitting a readmission application, and are eligible to register and enroll in advance. Students who do not register for two or more consecutive quarters need to reapply formally to UCLA in order to be considered for readmission.
Please see the instructions to request Readmission to the School of Music below.
Students may be able to withdraw from a term if they have not completed finals in any of their classes.
Students may request to withdraw from a term AFTER having paid fees but BEFORE the first day of classes; in this case students will receive a full refund minus some administrative charges. To cancel registration, students should meet with their academic advisor and go to the Registrar’s Office, 1113 Murphy Hall, and fill out a Cancellation of Registration Petition.
Students who have paid term fees may be eligible to withdraw from a term on or after the first day of instruction if they have not completed any of the classes in which they enrolled. Students who wish to withdraw from the University once instruction begins must submit a withdrawal notice.
Failing to attend classes, dropping all classes, neglecting courses, or stopping payment on checks tendered for registration fees does not constitute notice of withdrawal. A fine is assessed if any payment for registration fees is returned by a bank for any reason, including stopped payment or insufficient funds. Students who withdraw from the School of Music for more than one quarter must apply for readmission, and in some instances, re-audition into their studio.
New undergraduate students who withdraw on or before Friday of week three of their first quarter are not eligible for readmission. They must reapply to UCLA using a UC admission application.
Fee Refunds
The effective date for determining a refund of fees is the date a student submits the withdrawal notice to the College, school, or Division of Graduate Education. It is presumed that no University services are to be provided to the student after that date. Detailed fee refund information is included with the form. See also refund schedules.
Students who received financial aid for the term may be billed for all or a portion of the aid received. Financial Aid and Scholarships notifies students of the amount of aid that must be returned.
To return to the University after an absence of more than one term, School of Music Undergraduate students must complete the following steps.
Step 1: Readmission Application
The readmission application for UCLA can be found online here. Readmission applications must be submitted ahead of the posted deadline for the quarter in which you are requesting to return. Please refer here for further information and deadlines for applying for readmission.
Step 2: Supplemental Materials
The School of Music requests that applicants submit supporting documentation as part of the readmission application to ensure a successful return to the university, if approved. To facilitate review of the application, applicants must send the following materials via email to the Office of Student Affairs at the time of reapplication:
- 1-page personal statement to provide more context for the readmission request
- Specifically, a personal statement should answer the following question: “What steps have you taken to ensure that, if allowed to return to the University, you would be able to successfully complete your remaining degree requirements within the degree time given to you?”
- Current official transcripts (if applicable) from your current institution or any institutions you’ve attended since leaving UCLA
Please contact the Office of Student Affairs if you have any questions!
An undergraduate student who has received approval from the dean of the College/school to be enrolled in 10 or fewer units may be eligible for a one-half reduction in the tuition portion of registration fees and a one-half reduction in nonresident supplemental tuition, if applicable. Students must consult with the College or school for eligibility requirements.
If a student enrolls in or receives credit for more units than approved, a bill is issued for repayment of the amount by which fees were reduced.
Submission Deadline
To obtain approval, submit the fee reduction request to by Friday of the second week of the term.
Please see the steps below to request to Exit the School of Music. Please note that by completing the steps below, you acknowledge that you will not be able to return to the School of Music as a major without reapplying during the normal admissions cycle.
Step 1: Complete the School of Music Exit Interview. This is a google form that must be completed before you can complete Step 2.
Step 2: Once the above step is completed, please complete an Undergraduate Program Change Petition. On the petition, obtain a signature from your new academic advising unit, noting your acceptance to their major and/or school. If you are planning to switch into “Undeclared”, you do not need to obtain a signature. Please submit your completed petition to osa@schoolofmusic.ucla.edu and allow 8 – 10 business days for your petition to be reviewed. If approved, we will return the petition to you and note your approval to Exit the School of Music.
Please note that being Cleared to Exit the School of Music does not mean your record has been updated. Please reach out to your new advising unit and/or the Center for Academic Advising in the College (CAAC) in order to begin any additional steps they require in order for your record to be updated.
Step 3: Please notify your instructors if you are taking any School of Music coursework. It’s helpful for instructors who may know you or have worked with you to know that you are no longer enrolled at the School, in case they reach out in the future.
Depending on the point in the quarter that you complete this process, your record may not be updated until the following quarter. If you are cleared to exit the School of Music, but will not be recoded until the following quarter, the School of Music will remain your advising unit until you are officially recoded to your new program. In this case, please direct all administrative questions, e.g. petitions, to your School of Music advisor.
Students who are Cleared to Exit the School of Music and do not have their record updated to their new program or “undeclared” by the end of the following academic quarter will have a “hold” placed on their record. Please contact the Office of Student Affairs if you have any questions.
A maximum of 216 units is permitted for all students, regardless of the number of majors or minors completed. Undergraduate students who graduate within their time to degree [Spring or Summer of their fourth year (for first year admits) or Spring or Summer of their second year (for transfer admits)] may exceed the 216 unit maximum without petition.
Students who will not be graduating within their time to degree (whether they are within or exceeding the 216 unit maximum) must file a petition requesting to exceed their time to degree. We encourage students to speak with an Academic Advisor to discuss their academic plans and the petition process in detail. Approval of this petition is not guaranteed, and in some cases, the School may propose an alternate plan.
Please note that students exceeding their time to degree and/or unit maximum without School approval will be in violation of university regulation and ineligible for a degree from UCLA.
Additional information regarding unit calculations
- Students with advanced placement (AP) or international baccalaureate credit (IB) may exceed the unit maximum by the amount of that credit.
Minimum Academic Progress
School of Music students are expected to complete a minimum of 14 units each academic quarter in order to maintain timely degree progress. Accordingly, students who complete at least 45 units over a three-term period (one academic year) and maintain at least a 2.0 term and cumulative GPA are making expected degree progress.
Students who do not maintain expected degree progress, either based units or GPA, will become at risk of Academic Difficulty, which includes Academic Notice and Subject to Dismissal. Please see the sections below for more information.
Based on unit progress
- An undergraduate student who fails to pass at least 40 units during any three consecutive academic terms shall be on academic notice.
- Students on academic notice who fail to meet minimum progress by the end of the next two consecutive academic terms will be subject to dismissal from the University.
Based on grades
- Students will be placed on academic notice if their term (not including summer)/overall GPA falls below 2.0 but is above or equal to 1.5. Students placed on academic notice will have two consecutive academic terms to bring their overall GPA back to 2.0. Students placed on academic notice who do not bring their overall GPA to 2.0 or above within two consecutive academic terms, or whose term GPA once again falls below 2.0 the next academic term, will become subject to dismissal.
Based on unit progress
- An undergraduate student who fails to pass at least 32 units during any three consecutive academic terms shall be subject to dismissal.
- An undergraduate student who fails to clear academic notice after two consecutive academic terms will be subject to dismissal.
- Students on subject to dismissal will be placed on a contract for two consecutive academic terms written to assist them in satisfying minimal progress to degree. Students who fail to meet the terms of their contract will be dismissed from the University.
Based on grades
- Students placed on academic notice who do not bring their overall GPA to 2.0 or above within two consecutive academic terms, or whose term GPA once again falls below 2.0 the next academic term, will become subject to dismissal.
- Students whose academic term or cumulative GPA falls below 1.5 is subject to dismissal, even if it’s the student’s first quarter of residency.
- Students on subject to dismissal based on grades will be placed on a contract for two consecutive academic terms written to assist them in satisfying minimum GPA requirements.
- Students who fail to meet the terms of their contract will be dismissed from the University.
Student Responsibility
With the guidance of Student Affairs Officers, students are ultimately responsible for their quarterly course registration. This includes registering in courses that correspond to their degree requirements and meeting the School of Music’s enrollment deadlines.
With proper planning, School of Music majors can study abroad during their time at UCLA. If you are planning to participate in a UCEAP Study Abroad Program, you will need to complete a Clearance for UCEAP Form in order to be cleared to Study Abroad.
Students hoping to complete University, GE, major, or minor requirements with Study Abroad coursework should check if their proposed courses have been preapproved for course credit. If courses have NOT been preapproved for course credit, submitting Academic Petitions may be required. Please note that approval of a Clearance to Study Abroad form does not constitute course credit and additional steps may be needed. Students can also refer to the CAAC Transfer Course Credit Database for more information.