Enjoy our new “Innovating Music” podcast episode with Robert Singerman, VP, International Publishing at LyricFind. Robert has been on a 14-year quest: to translate music legally between languages and cultures. Lyrics are the #1 search term on the internet and Robert shares the story of LyricFind’s path to creating a legal marketplace in the US for song lyrics, up to nearly a billion lyrics a month in volume. LyricFind is on a mission with far-reaching social implications: giving music subtitles, with many more translated songs than the top 50,000 and many more than 15 languages.
Permalink http://musicinnovation.libsyn.com/bridging-cultures-translating-music-lyrics
- LyricFind: http://www.lyricfind.com/
- Dotsub.com: https://dotsub.com/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robertsingerman/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/rosingerman
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